About Me

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London, United Kingdom
I like to eat but I like to shop more...so shoot me! Actually please don't because then I will just be dead. Thanks

Monday, 30 August 2010

Pink Lady

Pink Posing

Pink Walking

Pink nonchalance

Pink Excitement

Pink chilling

Pink Prison

Jeans: Vintage
Top: Thrift
Pumps: Primark
Bag: Old
Hat: I think you already know
Necklaces: Abercrombie& Fitch and H&M

Saturday, 28 August 2010

Floral Executive

You know what I am going to say...my Mum is amazing and so is http//blazerwhore.blogspot.com 

 I finished work officially on Friday! Words cannot express my ecstasy needless to say I am NEVER doing a job like that EVER again!!

Although I did get to wear whatever I wanted within reason.See above.

I am moving on to a new chapter in my life and I will keep you updated on every step of the way.

I have learned that everything in life is for a season be that work/ a certain group of people/ trouser skirts. Always take something away from each experience.

Each stroke of experience you encounter all contributes to the portrait of life....until next time guys!!!

Trousers: Vintage
Top: Mummy
Jacket: Mummy
Shoes: I've had since 6th form...(not acceptable)
Bag: Cerrutti ( i salvaged from my mothers over-zealous charity giving hands)
Earrings: A little shop in Kingston

Tuesday, 24 August 2010

Peaches and Cream...OK fine- white...

Did loads of things today, by loads I mean went to work and baked cookies. Maybe I should blog about my cookies...mmmm cookies!!!

Shirt: Dishonestly appropriated from my sister
Shorts: Same as here
Shoes: My faves
Wind: British 'summertime'

Au revoir!!

Monday, 23 August 2010


Did I scare you? You weren't expecting me were ya?????

OK I suppose as you are on my blog you probably were. DARNIT! The internet takes the surprise out of everything!

Realisations of the month....life is GOOD when your mum is a fashionista/should have all of her bank cards taken away from her.

Look what she got me!!!

SO I was going to wear it with a little blue dress and funky fishnets but apparently that was 'inappropriate' for a daytime bbq..so I wore this instead.

Jacket: Mummizzle
Jeans and Shoes: Topshop
Top: H&M
Flower: A Bush
Clutch: Borrowed probably.

Inappropriate version of this outfit coming soon!!!

Byezie byes!!

Thursday, 12 August 2010

Topsy- Turvy

Guys, I am going to be gone for a little while so to say sorry I bought you flowers...OK, I bought MYSELF a floral dress! Not the same? Oh, OK!

I bought a fascinator in the form of a top-hat....hence the title!! 

Can't stay long as I have to go to bed so that I can be ready for the 'office summer party' tomorrow...there is pavlova involved so you can understand my eagerness.

I would like to apologise to all the commuters on their way home being obstructed by this crazy girl in a top-hat. 

I would also like to say to the men who decided to look out of their car windows like it was some kind of crazy peep show....go home to your wives and be ashamed...very ashamed.

I am now off to weigh up the pros and cons of eating the 20 sausage rolls that I bought for the office as a light midnight snack....I am not going to lie, the thought of pork 'n' pastry goodness is dramatically outweighing the willpower...


Sunday, 8 August 2010

TMC...Top Model of Colour/Too Much Chocolate...

Last night I went to a fantastic event in West London called Top Model of Colour. As an established event I am sure many of you have heard of it, nonetheless, I thought I would share!

The judges were erm....constructive to say the least.
Stand out quotes from the night include:

Your walk is really stumpy

Why is your hair covering half of your face” and

You are a pretty girl but what else can you do

The models provided their own comedy gems including citing Naomi Campbell as a prominent black model under the age of thirty(?!?).... but alas that is why they are models! 

There were three categories; casual wear, swimwear (twit twoo) and evening wear, intertwined with questions and entertainment.

Gorgeous,gorgeous ladies.....


All of that said, events such as these remind me of the level of diversity and beauty on offer from ‘models of colour’ and also got me thinking about whether there is still a glass ceiling within an industry that is supposedly inherently dynamic.

Are there still limitations for black models or is this an illusion created by disgruntled individuals who lack that 'je ne sais quoi' which makes an individual stand out. In order to front a high fashion campaign you cannot be ‘kinda buff still’ you have to have an edge that sets you apart irrespective of race. If this is the case, what is the best way of showcasing these qualities? As a community how do we create more than one ‘supermodel’ every decade?

This glass ceiling is mirrored throughout society, the corporate sector, music, politics etc...
The question is how can it be sledge-hammered once and for all?  

Social commentary aside the male heats will be held on 

 Sat, 21 Aug 2010 7PM
Bush Hall
310 Uxbridge Road
Shepherds Bush
London W12 7LJ

Did somebody say topless male models.......????

Thursday, 5 August 2010

I don't be-weave it!

I love Naomi as much as the next girl..i mean sometimes those pesky personal assistants just deserve a blow to the face with a mobile phone....no? GBH you say?!?

Misdemeanours aside you have to admit nobody rocks a waist-length weave quite like Naomi...until it made her hair fall out....!

OK, it sounds like I am hating..in truth I love Naomi, i love that fearless (if a little violent)...'you can take the girl out of Streatham but you can't take the Streatham out of the girl' way of life! I even love the unexplainable Hertfordshire-like accent that she uses but most importantly I love that she made Tyra Banks cry...but then again what doesn't make Tyra Banks cry? ANYWAY!

I need your comments and general feedback on her most recent courtroom hairstyle or as one of my good friends put it 'her testimonial weave'

As you may well know I am a big fan of Vintage but can it really apply to hair??

However, whatever we may choose to say about Nay-Nay we must always keep in mind that she didn't do THIS...

Until further notice though I think Nay-Nay should stick to this look!!


Wednesday, 4 August 2010

Dressing up!

I made a dress guys!!! O.K. 'made' slight exaggeration...let's try again. I amended a dress guys!!!! I took a 80's print summer/ granny dress and made it into a swinging 60's Twiggy-esque dress.

Proud..I know you are!! I am too.

So maybe I don't really have a sound grasp of length quite yet....and one half of the dress is stitched in green and the second half in white and I 'forgot' to hem the sleeves/fell asleep but it is completed!!!

In honour of my walk through the decades I did the photos in black and white....

This is what the dress USED to look like..

And tonight Matthew...I'm going to be.....TWIGGY

We are TOTALLY twins right? No? Well at the very least we have both mastered the 'I don't even want to look at the camera because I am too cool' look.....

And here I am doing an impression of a tree...tree/twig geddit?

Fast forward to 2010...we have digital cameras, colour TV's, X Factor and erm...food which explains my less than 'twiggy' physique!

Although in this picture I look like I have been having those psychedelic mushrooms they used to have in the 60's 

Monday, 2 August 2010


Now I am all for online retailing. I embrace new ways for me to feed my addiction partake in my hobby. I can shop AND watch Project Runway at the same time....gettatta taaaan!

So in 2007 when I discovered a little known website called ASOS.com I fell in love. Our eyes met across a cluttered bedroom. Much like this one...

Two star crossed lovers embroiled in  the dance of love   the honest exchange of goods and services for consideration
That was until we fell out with each other over
a)Asos Africa / cultural highjacking
b) Asos  ‘reclaimed vintage’ / daylight robbery
c) When the models stop looking less Christina Millian and more Christina Needstoeat.

However like any old flame the fire never fully burns out so I thought OK...why not pick up these cute leggings...free next day delivery...yes please!

I visualised these jeggings...

With this top...

And these boots....

Why did you decide to lie to me Mr ASOS...now I am going to have to get all Kelis on yo ass!

Two days and one abusive email later STILL no jeggings. Not impressed! It is less As Seen on Screen and more...

Au revoir’ ‘Sianara’ ‘On yer bike’ adioS