About Me

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London, United Kingdom
I like to eat but I like to shop more...so shoot me! Actually please don't because then I will just be dead. Thanks

Sunday, 26 February 2012

Sooo thigh...

Hey, hey, hey! So, totes had to show you guys my amazeballs thigh high boots that I got as a birthday present. I've wanted them for ages. Really and truly ever since Julia Roberts rocked those patent black ones in the best film of all time (Pretty Woman) I have been transfixed. Yes, I am well aware she played a prostitute in the film, that is neither here nor there...

I understand that perhaps thigh highs are usually synonymous with go-go girls and some lesser explored parts of Soho but I'm all about  the danger and the warmth, they are remarkably toasty i'll have you know. And I just ADORE the comfiness of the platform.

My latest leather love affair hasn't been all smooth sailing, in fact, my joy was scuppered the first time I tried to wear them deep in the depths of that disgusting February chill we just had. Outfit complete, I set about trying to do up the zip on the boots to no avail, leaving me no other option but to violently cast them aside in a wild rage (the whole fiasco made me 25 minutes late for work). 

Fear not though, the boots and I have now made up and I have proceeded to wear them every weekend for the last month. Alas, here I am sharing my latest outfit with you lovely folk.

One thing I will say though is that these boots are to be worn with caution and tights..at ALL times!

Boots: Topshop, worn with Zara blazer (gifted from my mumsie) and H&M dress!

Saturday, 18 February 2012

Stripped and Striped!

SO...My beautiful familia popped down to 'hang' last weekend. NATURALLY we went out and did some fly stuff, din-dins, cin-cins and night bus! I snapped a few pics before we left as I was feeling quite fly. 

I wore my 'I got it before Rihanna' H&M jacket and some lovely high waisted green trousers i picked up from Topshop and a 'body' rounded up with my purple and green Kurt Geiger mary janes. Word of advice, if you are going to have a starter AND a massive main, don't wear a body with high waisted trousers. It transpired that a Vietnam-style battle ensued betweed my belly and my clothes about half way through the fifth spoon of jasmine rice. Needless to say, my belly won and I spent the rest of the evening gingerly clutching my coat to hide my shame. Yessir-eee, mama would be proud!

I have been perusing some awesome blogs of late and by gosh golly I miss it! I realised I can't just be looking fly and not letting y'all see it. My posts have been sporadic to say the least, but the blame for that rests squarely on my photographer's shoulders. (No lies). I say we all throw stones at him. Any volunteers to take over the role? Message me! I will endeavour to do more posts though, even if I have to balance myself on a revolving stool in a passport photo booth.....too far??

I've got the sultry look on lock. Pahahaha! I'm being ironic, there's a lock behind me. You get it? *high fives myself*